Hamster Marketplace


Hamster Marketplace is a decentralized trading platform focused on the sale of niche electronics and unique gadgets from manufacturers, including DIY-manufacturers, startups and local projects.
Hamster Marketplace will allow thousands of vendors around the world to get access to markets that they cannot afford now and will provide access to the audience of early adopters and technology fans.
Millions of customers will receive a unique range of one-of-a-kind products with no extra charges from intermediaries.
Funds for the launch and development of the Hamster Marketplace will be collected through the public placement of HMT tokens (Hamster Marketplace Token) during the token sale, which starts in the January 2018.
For payment purposes, there is the HMT tokens that will be used for this platform. The public distribution of HMT tokens during an initial coin offering will help to generate the funds. It will also help in the launch and development of Hamster Marketplace. By the mechanics of this forum and by the guarantee of buy-back of the token by using funds from the ultimate sale of the marketplace, the tokens’ demand will be sustained. During the initial coin offering, there will be the public distribution of HMT tokens initiating in 2017.
The electronic commerce industry has offer their clients, the extremely convenient user experience possible that includes the payment systems, delivery services and even advertising operate world widely .A participant from anywhere around the globe can read an advertisement relevant to electronic commerce industry in their own language. It is not linked to the national origin of the site they are visiting. The payment of any product is by using a card issued by a bank in the applicant’s own country. The client will wait for their product to arrive by one of the delivery methods they had choose. The field of information technology into market areas brought the major changed in this marketplace by increasing the efficiency, leading to a commensurately manifold decreasing of expenditure that will help in the remarkable decrease in the prices of the products. In the retail of electronic commerce industry, the same business methods are working which were generated by the American trading networks in their golden age.
For buyers and technology fans
Everything brand new from the electronic’s world in one place
Unique gadgets including DIY
Defect tracking and vendor’s reputation based on blockchain
The lowest prices guaranteed by parsing system
For manufacturers
Large audience with a demand for unique electronics
Business-incubator covering dead zone between KickStarter and Amazon
The ability to become co-owner of the platform
For token buyers
Token, which manufacturers need for effective work on marketplace
Token, which buyers need for additional marketplace options
The opportunity to join the project at an early stage of development
Token info
Token HMT
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price 1 HMT = 1.6 USD
Price in ICO 2.00 USD
Tokens for sale 10,000,000
Author : husen12


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